What care and cleaning tips do you recommend?

It is extremely important for wood flooring manufacturers that their product is properly taken care of to ensure their guarantee or warranty remains applicable. To achieve the highest performance from your wood floor, it is vital to maintain the room temperature within the range of 16 – 25˚C, and keep the relative humidity between 40 – 60%. This can be achieved by using a dehumidifier or humidifier as necessary.

Shielding your wood floor from potential damage caused by sand and abrasive materials can be accomplished by utilising a well-sized entrance door mat. Regularly sweeping the floor with a soft broom or vacuum cleaner, equipped with an appropriate head, will help prevent dirt buildup. For a more thorough clean, we recommend employing the Bona Spray Mop Cleaning Kit, as its cleaning fluid is specially formulated for all wood floors. Caution must be exercised when using alternative cleaning products, as some have the potential to strip off the surface protection. In the event of a spillage, mop up promptly and do not allow liquid or food to dry on the floor. Remember to only use a damp cloth or mop on your wood floor, and never resort to a wet mop or steam cleaner as they can harm the floor.

To safeguard against scratches, we suggest using felt pads, castor cups, or similar protectors under furniture legs and feet. High heels or stiletto heels have a concentrated weight that can easily dent a wood floor, fracture ceramic tiles, perforate vinyl, or tear carpet. It is essential to refrain from using or wearing metal heels, known as 'Blakeys,' as they will rapidly wear away the surface protection of a wood floor.

Regularly trimming the claws of dogs is advisable to prevent any damage caused by scratches. Although wood floors tend to be more resistant to pet urine, it is crucial to clean up any spills immediately.

It is recommended to avoid placing pot plants directly on a wood floor, even with a waterproof saucer. Instead, use trivets or similar supports underneath the saucer to allow air circulation, preventing condensation from forming under the saucer and damaging the floor.

To ensure long-lasting use and uninterrupted enjoyment of your wood floor, it is highly recommended to establish a regular maintenance program. The frequency of maintenance tasks will vary depending on the type of flooring and the amount of wear it endures. As a general guideline, it is advisable to conduct a thorough clean annually and apply a suitable maintenance oil or lacquer refresher as appropriate. Neglecting these crucial steps may render your floor vulnerable to unsightly stains, thereby impacting our warranty. It is a condition of all wood flooring manufacturers that the wood floor product is looked after properly, in order that their guarantee/warranty may apply.

For commercial settings such as schools, retail stores, offices, bars, and restaurants, the need for a more rigorous maintenance program is essential due to higher foot traffic. Regularity of maintenance should be adjusted accordingly. If you require, we would gladly provide professional advice to address your unique needs in these specific environments.

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